3D Virtual Tours

Ministry of Justice, Trade & Industry

3D Scanning. Demonstrating the latest 3D technology and use cases to HM Government of Gibraltar.

Supporting Gibraltar’s digital push

Barton Solutions advances local tech with 3D scanning.

Barton Solutions Limited is delighted to announce that heads, James Barton and Jarod Vassallo, received a warm welcome from the Ministry for Justice, Trade and Industry. Our company is making significant strides in pioneering 3D scanning initiatives, not only establishing a considerable niche for ourselves but also driving Gibraltar to the forefront of the technology industry. Our service offerings are spearheaded by 3D scanning, which utilises sophisticated equipment to convert physical objects and environments into detailed digital three-dimensional models.

At the heart of the Government’s initiative to foster young digital entrepreneurship, James and Jarod were invited by Minister Nigel Feetham to provide a live demonstration at the Ministry’s Europort offices. The successful demonstration showcased the immense promise of our technology. We are committed to raising Gibraltar’s profile on the global tech stage, underscoring the practical and revolutionary uses of 3D technology within public and commercial sectors, and our nation’s digital capabilities. The response from Minister Feetham was exceedingly positive, highlighting his acknowledgement of James and Jarod’s energy and vision, and reaffirming the Government’s goal to support new businesses, especially those led by young, tech-savvy entrepreneurs.

3D scanning Ministry offices highlights our technology's practicality.

Barton Solutions Limited encountered a professional challenge in the form of the Ministry for Justice, Trade and Industry’s offices, one which they were fully prepared to meet. The office’s well-lit spaces and clear demarcations provided an ideal environment for deploying their state-of-the-art 3D scanning technology.

The task involved ensuring a seamless digital transition between the office’s two floors, aiming for a unified digital model that was intuitive to navigate. By utilising labels and tags, Barton Solutions effectively pinpointed crucial rooms and features, incorporating descriptive details particularly in areas involving the Minister. The project served to highlight the effectiveness of 3D scanning in accurately representing extensive office layouts, showcasing the technology’s practicality and user accessibility.