3D Virtual Tours

Gorham’s Cave

Deep dive into one of Gibraltar's most famous caves.

UNESCO World Heritage Site

3D Virtual Tours for Caves

We developed an extensive 3D virtual tour of Gorham’s Cave, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which is now prominently featured on the Visit Gibraltar website. This remarkable project aimed to provide a detailed and immersive experience of a site renowned for its historical and archaeological significance. Given the cave’s challenging accessibility and naturally low-light conditions, we employed specialised lighting techniques to meticulously capture its intricate details and shadowed areas. Our team utilised high-resolution imaging and advanced 3D modelling to ensure every nuance of the cave’s interior was faithfully represented.

Our virtual tour offers a rare opportunity for visitors to explore this hidden gem from anywhere in the world. By navigating through the cave virtually, users can appreciate its geological formations, ancient artefacts, and historical context without the need for physical access, which is restricted to protect the site. This digital representation serves not only to educate and engage a global audience but also to preserve the integrity of Gorham’s Cave by reducing the impact of foot traffic. Through our innovative and careful approach, we have brought one of Gibraltar’s most significant cultural landmarks to life, ensuring that its story can be told and experienced by many, regardless of geographical limitations.

About these scans

  • Historical Site
  • UNESCO World Heritage Site
  • Special Lighting

Video from this project